Thursday, June 15, 2006


I love them. So many interesting case studies. I find myself pondering at just what possibly could be going through the minds of various people.

I started out with a lovely drive to work this morning, after wading my way through the Bonnarooligans at the Mapco. Anyway, that's an entirely different topic. So the drive down 840 was lovely. Sun shining...everything looking fresh and crisp....

And then....

I turned on to 65. Traffic was at a crawl in every lane, including the merge lane. Nightmare city. I'm thinking there's a wreck somewhere. Anyway, I'm creeping along with the other creepers and some kind soul let me in. Now, one good deed deserves another, so after creeping a bit, I slow down even further to create a space between myself and the car in front of me so that another thankful motorist could merge in. But it doesn't happen. I do this on several occasions, and still no one merges in. What are these people thinking? "Awww shucks I'm gonna just wait until the last minute to merge cuz why bother now???" And then, these PROCRASTINATORS run out of merge lane and they all think they're coming over at once. And don't even get me started on the moron that flew down the side of the road. I'll admit it...there were a few profane remarks spewed forth before it was all over.


By the grace of God, I made it to work unscathed once more. So for that, I am thankful :)


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