Wednesday, November 21, 2007

tofurkey or not tofurkey...that is the question

It's that time of the year again. Tomorrow, mother's, grandmothers, wives (and a few good men) will rise at the butt crack of dawn to put the bird in the oven. Throughout the day, the smells of turkey, pies, veggies and the like will waft through the house tempting taste buds and activating salavary glands. Hours of preparation lead to maybe 20 minutes of grubbing and "overstuffery."

We had our Thanksgiving work luncheon yesterday. One vegetarian was going to bring in tofurkey. I'll try just about anything once. I looked, but never spied it. Give me the real thing please.

Everyone's Thanksgiving experience is a little different. Some spend the holiday with family; some with friends. Some cook a ginormous meal while other's hit Cracker Barrel. At some point in our lives, however, we've all experienced "the kids' table." Last night, a friend of mine was at the house and I asked him what he was doing for Thanksgiving. He said "Going to Maw maw's" then related this story. "Maw maw has this huge, round table that many people can sit around. Me? I'm still stuck at the kids' table! Nobody will die so I can move up!! 35 years old and at the kids' table!" I howled.

Regardless of your experience this year, whether it be a day filled with cooking, a meal at the Cracker Barrel, or a seat at the kids' table, have a wonderful Thanksgiving and reflect upon your blessings.

Peace and love


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