I drive down Wilson Pike Circle to get to school. Monday night I had to stop at the rail road crossing not to allow a train to pass, but to wait for two very large does to cross. Behind them....a lush field of nothing but green. Ahead...businesses and the traffic of Brentwood. I've been thinking about this scenario all week.
A child's first day at preschool (or any school for that matter.) The first day at a new job. A man or woman who's been served divorce papers. Someone who's found out their job has been done away with. Anyone who hears the words "It's cancer." This is all displacement. Traveling from a place of safety into the uncertainty of the unknown.
The deer had the opportunity to turn around and return to the lushness of the field. Humans are rarely afforded that luxury. This thought of displacement has been heavy on my spirit this week. So much so that when I see someone that is moving from safety into fear of the unknown, I've decided to do what I can to make that transition easier....even if it simply means a hand on a shoulder, a hug, a smile or comforting words.
My dear, Bendy,
My dear loves you and so does the deer. Powerful realizations ...I was behind a school bus this morning at the crack of dawn and it took me too far back...trapped between must and cant.
12:03 PM
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