Thursday, August 16, 2007

Baby Boom!!!

In my workplace, there are three pregnant woman and Josh, who's wife is pregnant. Personally, I'm staying clear of the water cooler and doubling up on the birth control!

These are first children for all parties envolved. I think back 21 years to MY first. She was 12 days overdue. Miss Kylie was rather comfortable where she was, thank you very much. I had gone from the anxiety and fear to the "get her out of there" mode. At 8:36 a.m. on April 30, 9 lbs. 2 oz. of beauty changed my life forever. Jesika followed 5 years later. She didn't want to come out either!

My oldest bundle of joy spent the night with me last night on her way back to school. We had a wonderful time and laughed until I thought we were both going to pee our pants. I thought about calling my mother this morning and asking her when I changed from a pain in the fanny teenager to a joy in her life. I thought again...wasn't sure I wanted to hear that answer. lol

Josh went to the doctor with his wife this morning. Just a few minutes ago he stuck his head around the corner of my cube and said "She's going in at midnight. Weston will be here tomorrow." I looked into the eyes of a 6'6" bundle of joy and nervousness and unsurity and fear and told him it would be alright .

Children are our joy, and our pain, and our delight. I'll soon be hearing stories of these four new lives and the impact they will have on their parents. Toys flushed, walls colored, wounds stiched...the list never ends!


Blogger Maximus Doom said...

Definitely STAY AWAY from the water cooler. Some things are better rented than owned (smile). Sounds like u had a geat weekend and a very good nite. Hopefully this week will do it all justice

8:15 AM


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