Monday, August 20, 2007

Static CLING and giggles.....

Not an informative blog...not one to make you think. Just another occurance in Bendy's World.

Yesterday I rode with friends to meet other friends at a church in the Brentwood/Franklin area. A friend, Tod Bell, was speaking and we were there for love and support. There was an entire row of us. After the service, I remained seated with my friends' two sons while the rest went to man a table out front to sell Tod's book. The boys and I had a great time together. They're 3 and 10, very intelligent and lots of fun.

After folks had cleared and left for home and Sunday dinner, I took the boys and walked out to the table while the others were packing up. I could feel something hitting against the skin above my ankle. I knew my capris didn't have any type of ties and I couldn't figure out what the heck it was. I gave my foot a little shake and looked down. There, looking up at me, were a pair of my underwear that had obviously become trapped during time in the dryer and had just BROKEN FREE!

I bent over and quickly wadded the "escapees" up in my hand and pushed them into my purse. I knew I couldn't laugh, because once it started, it wouldn't end.

One last thing....

As the minister was introducing my friend, he spoke about the church getting "out of the box." His words?

Wait for it....

Wait for it....

"No more boxes! No more DRAWERS!"

I so enjoy God's rich sense of humor ;)


Blogger Linda Russell said...

Static Cling
One of the great equalizers in life
Too funny

10:03 AM

Blogger Maximus Doom said...

Uhh...I read this yesterday but was laughing too hard to comment.....I'm still laughing....and yet it could have been even worse. In my infamous words, better you than me...

1:37 PM


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