Monday, August 27, 2007

who done it???

I treated myself Saturday. I got a much needed hair cut AND took a tip from my friend Maximus and got my eyebrows waxed.

As I lay back in the chair, the technician applied nice, warm, yummy wax to my eyebrows. Ohhhhhhh it felt so good. Then she applied the waxing strip. Again, another feel good.


She ripped the hair right off my face. YOWZA!! Okay, we all know it isn’t unbearable pain by any means.

My question is this….who the heck was sitting around bored one afternoon and thought “hey, I think I’ll use some wax and see if I can rip the hair right off my face?” WHO????? All I can say is it is much more user friendly than the good ol’ Epilady!


Blogger Maximus Doom said...

Too True!It is really nice. You are so correct. One must wonder who and why did someone sit around and come up with such an idea; then to try it; even worse, to convince the rest of us sadamasacist to try it. But once you've been waxed, you wont be shaved again.

8:07 AM


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