Thursday, October 19, 2006


Last night I heard the craziest thing. It was a news report stating that some school had "outlawed" playing tag. It was dangerous! Kids could get hurt and then there would be the possibility of lawsuits.


I have fond memories of playing tag in my youth. Running and giggling and dodging and yes, falling, only to get back up and do it all over again. Got a scraped knee? Rub a little dirt in it and the bleeding will stop. The thought of a lawsuit never entered the minds of parents. Kids were just doing what kids do....enjoying life.

Why would anyone want to put a stop to that? Look deeper at's EXERCISE. A release of pent up energy. Cutting that out is doing damage to the youth of America. No tag kiddos....but you are free to sit and play video games for hours. Let's do more to contribute to childhood obesity.

It's a sad world indeed when we start taking away simple pleasures.....


Blogger Maximus Doom said...

Vote for Bendy. And then came a time when sneezing in public was grounds for litigation...when does it stop. Good blog.

12:26 PM

Blogger Linda Russell said...

As a young child, I learned the potential power of controlling your peers through tag....
Since I was heavy and unlikly to catch someone else, I was "IT" for long periods of time whilst being taunted and called names because I could not easily catch the other kids.
Here is what I learned to do... hang back... do not try to catch the others. They wanted to be chased. If they were not, the fun went out of the game.

So I would wait until it was obvious who wanted the most attention....

They would eventually get impatient with not being chased and guessed it, they would make it easy for me to make them "IT".

How will young children learn the psychology of controlling your peers without games at recess?

I am with you Bendy, it is far more dangerous for children to not have opportunities to fall down when they are young and learn from thier mistakes.

The falls we make as adults come easier because we learned to get up as children.

3:28 PM


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