Adios ACW...Today is the last day for my ACW. He's been mentioned in another post. Annoying habits aside, he truly is a good person and I will miss him. He's one of the faithful that never misses and puts in his time without fail. Great work ethic.I was sitting in another co-worker's office this morning talking when ACW strolled in. He was holding a piece of paper and he looked at me and said "I am so sorry! I was cleaning out my office and I found this memo." It was the memo from over a year ago announcing that I would be reporting to him. He said "I never realized you worked for me." I said "Don't sweat was only for a week or two dude." We started giggling and he said "Well, was I a good boss?" I said "The best boss I ever had. Sorry about that Boss's day gift I never got you though." Be thankful for the good people who cross your path...annoying habits and all. They might be your boss someday...although briefly :)
Heavy Sigh...The feeling of "ick." No one wants it, yet we all experience it at some time or another. Today my feeling of ick stems from being under appreciated. Taken for granted. The thought that I will always be around like an old worn out comfortable shoe in the back of a closet. The new shoes get worn to the best places, get complimented, get shined. The old shoes get dug out to do the dirty work then are discarded without a thought once the job is completed. Placed in the back of the closet until the next time...So how do we "shine?" We "old shoes." What is it we must do to get the "oohs" and "ahhhhs?" Or....Should we be content in knowing that it was us that got the job done while the newbies sat by the wayside looking pretty? I want both, baby. I want the satisfaction of knowing it was my hard work and dedication that got the job done and I want the praise for doing so. I don't think that is too much to ask. So I will continue with the work and the "git 'er done" attitude and I will continue to seek the recognition I so deserve. It may be an uphill battle, but I've got the strengh to keep on a pushin!
I wanna be a cowboy baby........Today was absolutely beautiful. The sun was shining...the temperature close to perfect. It was the kind of day that made one wish to be doing anything besides working.
On my way home I noticed a red GMC pickup in the lane next to me. It was two cars ahead. The sliding back window open, both side windows down. The driver was young, brandishing a straw cowboy hat. Music on, but not blaring. I could see him singing and bobbing to the music. This vision made me smile. (And it didn't hurt that he was a cutie.)
The message was clear. Forget about whatever stresses or frustrations the day may have held. Let it go and enjoy life. It's there for the taking. Breathe in the fresh air, bask in the warmth of the sunshine, feel the beat of the music and enjoy the rhythm of life!
As I hit I-65, I rolled down my window, turned up the music, and sang and smiled all the way home :)
The big sleepy chair....."Roz, do you still have the big sleepy chair?" She responded with "Yes, it's in storage. What made you think of that?" I replied, "If you ever want to get rid of it, I will be happy to buy it from you." The next email simply said "You can have it. Just let me know when you want it and I'll bring it down."AhhhhhhhhhhThe big sleepy chair is an oversized comfort zone. A place great for reading or for curling up and watching movies or simply cuddling with someone special. But alas, this chair has a curse. Sit it in long and you'll be snoozing peacefully. I know this, because I have experienced it on more than one occasion. It envelopes you like the best of hugs and before you know it, you're so happy and relaxed that off to dreamland you go.So now, I must do some cleaning and rearraging so that I can be ensconced in that comfort zone as soon as possible :)

Friends & FamilyThis past weekend, I took a couple of extra days to extend the already lengthy weekend so that I could go back home to visit my family. My girls drove up as well which made the trip extra special. We all gathered at a campground in Branson. Now, this girl doesn't "camp" so she wasn't looking forward to that aspect. However, this camping was far from roughing it. The folks have a wonderful pull trailer that is nicer than my duplex. My sister and brother-in-law have one as well. I stayed in a cabin that was nicer than most hotel rooms I've stayed in. No complaints from me. On Sunday, more friends and family members drove in and we had one whale of a barbeque. We all had a wonderful time just sitting around and visiting. No tv...just conversation and lots of laughter. I realized something this morning. It hit me right smack over the head. I enjoyed myself because it was something I was familiar with. We used to do the same thing when I was a child. Many hours were spent with family gathered in the shade trees of my grandparents' home talking and laughing and having dinner. Comfort. Just what I needed.....