Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Shut up and take your whoopin!

Once again, Mindy McCready is in the news. Trial time don't ya know. Now it's cries that the police pulled her over to harrass her, not because she was driving poorly. She was in 6 inch heels, so when she removed them to take the sobriety test, her pants were too long and interfering and the rocks hurt her feet, so naturally she couldn't walk a straight line. Who could under those conditions? What was that officer thinking????

Trust me, if this gal was pulled over, I would have rolled my pants up and sucked it up no matter how damned tender my feet were to ensure that I walked a straight damned line if I were sober.

I know...there are always two sides. I'm sure she's a lovely person. But all signs point to guilty on this one. Why must blame always be cast everywhere but the rightful spot? No comeuppance.


Blogger Linda Russell said...

Celebrity has its price......
All celebrities know this and most still fall short of really understanding the extreme need for attention that drives them to fame and true cost that comes with that.
Mindy is actually blessed that she is noteworthy, it may stop her from killing someone and becoming notorious.

7:30 PM


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