Tuesday, July 11, 2006

In the garden of good and evil......

I've been contemplating this post most of the day. As a living, breathing, caring, spiritual individual, I try to be "good." I'm laidback, have a great sense of humor and most things slide off me like water off a duck's back. I do my best not to wrong my fellow man, and should I slip, I do my best to recover the wrong doing. Thankfully these intances are few and very far between.

However, these past couple of days I've been privy to some "goings ons" that are anything but good. In my world, what comes around goes around. You know...the karma thing. However, in this instance, what goes around keeps going around and though it is wrong in all senses of the word, it's going unpunished. This is frustrating the fire out of me!! I was so disturbed last night that I finally said "Okay God, you gotta take this because I can't worry about it anymore."

I just don't understand it. Why do people do underhanded things? Do they no longer have a conscience? Do they not believe that the wrong you do today will bite you in the ass tomorrow? Got news for you folks...it happens some time, some place, when you least expect it.


Blogger Maximus Doom said...

Whoah!!!! Please flush when finished!
Bendy, you are right. There are some things you "expect" people to do that some just don't....not that they can't; THEY DON'T....they choose NOT to do the good thing. The "if" in the middle of life teaches (or at least has taught me) to immediately cut what I don't want in my hut.

7:24 PM


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