Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The best story ever!!

This morning as I was getting ready for work, I was listening to Channel 5 news. A story caught my attention and I had to stop and watch.

A group of senior citizens in their 70's had stopped to eat at Cracker Barrel after a night of dancing. As they were leaving the restaurant around midnight, a man approached them demanding money. Well apparently this man had no clue what he was in for. The seniors wrestled him to the ground and held him there until police arrived. Can I get a "heck yeah!"

This career criminal had 89 criminal offenses in the last 23 years. Hopefully this attempt will be his last. The seniors also planned on appearing in court. And yes, they'll continue their dancing.

This just thrilled me to death. I hope when I'm elderly, I'll be as snappy as this group!


Blogger Maximus Doom said...

Gurl!!!!! I hope they beat his "pride!!!" Other than offenses against children or mothers, old people would be next on my list of sacreds. NO RESPECT. I hope he never forgets and I sure no one else will let him. The problem in immediate punishment for the crime. I would've been late to work. I would have had to have pancakes and bacon after seeing that story.

1:10 PM


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