it's all in the bag.....
It starts out when we’re little girls. We have to have a purse like mommy. Sometimes at Easter we’d even get one that matches our shoes! Of course, when we’re small, the purses are too and usually hold odds and ends such as pennies, shiny rocks, maybe a Polly Pocket or two. As we age, our purses get larger and the “innards” go from treasures to necessities like makeup, feminine hygiene products etc.
The “Queen Mother of All Purses” is the MOM purse. You could dig for days for treasure and back in the day would be sure to win a prize on “Let’s Make A Deal” for producing a random item such as a paper clip, bobbie pin, or rubber band from the deep, dark depths of the black hole.
Not much has changed as the years go by, except……
Now we have the “man purse” (known as the murse in some circles.) Yep, some guys have moved from carrying a wallet in the back pocket to carrying a man purse. My brother-in-law carries a murse. I’m not sure what all he has in there, but I’m pretty sure he could go into David mode and slay Goliath with it. In fact, the first one he had was so heavy that the strap ended up breaking. OH MY!!
Why do we feel the need to carry “stuff” around with us? Is it our safety net? Our survival kit? I’m pretty sure that if some were stranded, they could survive weeks on stuff from their purse/murse. I’m guilty of throwing all my loose change in the bottom of my purse. When I notice that it’s getting a little heavy, I’ll empty it and put the change in my change jar. Once I counted $11 in change. ELEVEN DOLLARS! Do you know how heavy $11 in change is??? (hanging head)
Maybe someday we’ll realize that it’s just “stuff” and not a necessary evil. Ladies will carry the bare necessities in a clutch and men will go back to having a lump on one side of their butt.
The “Queen Mother of All Purses” is the MOM purse. You could dig for days for treasure and back in the day would be sure to win a prize on “Let’s Make A Deal” for producing a random item such as a paper clip, bobbie pin, or rubber band from the deep, dark depths of the black hole.
Not much has changed as the years go by, except……
Now we have the “man purse” (known as the murse in some circles.) Yep, some guys have moved from carrying a wallet in the back pocket to carrying a man purse. My brother-in-law carries a murse. I’m not sure what all he has in there, but I’m pretty sure he could go into David mode and slay Goliath with it. In fact, the first one he had was so heavy that the strap ended up breaking. OH MY!!
Why do we feel the need to carry “stuff” around with us? Is it our safety net? Our survival kit? I’m pretty sure that if some were stranded, they could survive weeks on stuff from their purse/murse. I’m guilty of throwing all my loose change in the bottom of my purse. When I notice that it’s getting a little heavy, I’ll empty it and put the change in my change jar. Once I counted $11 in change. ELEVEN DOLLARS! Do you know how heavy $11 in change is??? (hanging head)
Maybe someday we’ll realize that it’s just “stuff” and not a necessary evil. Ladies will carry the bare necessities in a clutch and men will go back to having a lump on one side of their butt.
Wow! Thats Bendilicious! What a blog. This blog is the spark in the gas-filled room. This spark could blow in any and every direction. I love it.
Hmm...what possible ideas might one gather: 1) Stuff; We Cant Take It with Us, The Loading Down of America, Nomadic Tendencies 2) The Secrets of the Purse, Her Best Friend: The Woman Inside 3) Men; the New Women, Boys and Purses: Mursing, The Feminizing of the American Male...and I am sure the list could go on. Would you consider hosting a talkshow?
11:37 AM
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