i'm already there.....
Today is my last day of the work week. I'm leaving tomorrow for Arkansas and will not return until Sunday. As often happens, my mind is already on vacation. It's packed up and currently cruising. Try as I might, I cannot seem to get a whole heck of a lot accomplished.
The purpose of my visit is college graduation for my oldest. I'm so very proud of her. She's grown into the most amazing young woman. I remember the day she was born and all the days inbetween. The ups and downs, excitement and disappointments...everything that has molded her into who she is today. She's going to be one amazing teacher! It's sometimes difficult for me to wrap my mind around the fact that she's a grown up. After all....I'm still 25 ;)
Congratulations on your daughter's achievement. Have a great vacation!
1:44 PM
Ahhh...she is definitely yours. I would know those cheeks and dimples anywhere. Time marches on and we interact so we dont get bored. She's a doll; but hey, what would you expect. Be safe and blog soon....cheers!
10:58 AM
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