oh bother.....
Bendy isn't feeling so Bendilicious as of late. I recently changed positions and migrated back into customer service as a lead person. In the work realm, customer service is my thing. However, this week I have had days where my biggest dilemma is deciding who to shoot first -- the customers calling in fussing over an inexpensive magazine subscription or a seasoned rep that lost everything out of their head that they've ever known.
Decisions, decisions.....
So this afternoon, I've tuned in to one of Maxifrog's favorite podcasts and am letting the music carry me away. The boy is amazing when it comes to finding an eclectic mix of music. So I'm listening an chillin'. This beast is getting soothed :)
"Music hath charms to soothe a savage beast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak." -William Congreve